Aegle (Αἴγλη ) meaning "brightness" or "dazzling light" is a popular female name in the Greek mythology, being given to several women such as:
Aegle- A daughter of Asclepius and Lampetia or Epione, she is a minor goddess of radiant good health.
Aegle, the most beautiful of the Naiads, daughter of Zeus and Neaera, in some accounts she is the mother of The Charites by Helios.
Aegle, one of the Heliades, a sister of Phaeton, and daughter of Helios and Clymene. In her grief at the death of her brother she and her sisters were changed into poplars.
Aegle, one of the Hesperides.
Aegle, another name of Coronis, daughter of Phlegyas and lover of Apollo.
Aegle, a daughter of Panopeus, the Phocian hero. She was said to be one who was beloved by Theseus, and for whom he forsook Ariadne.