Greek-Goddesses Wiki

Doris is an Oceanid (saltwater nymph) who represents the fertility of the oceans and the fertile fishing areas within rivers, through her

marriage she also became a sea goddess.

Genealogy and Family[]

The daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, she went on to marry the sea god, Nereus, with whom she had the 50 Nereids (sea nymphs) and the minor sea god, Nerites. Her daughters include Amphitrite, the queen consort of Poseidon and Thetis, who through her forced marriage to the mortal, Peleus, became the mother of Achilles, a demi-god hero.



Doris is kind-hearted yet demanding. She is mostly kind-hearted to her husband, Nereus, the god of the sea, but is not major unlike Poseidon. 

Greek name[]

Doris' official Greek name is Δωρις. 
