According to Greek Mythology, Dryads are Nymphs and spirits of trees. Their life force is connected to the trees they reside in, which are usually found in the sacred groves of the gods.
Genealogy and Family[]
The Dryads' parents have been named as Seilenos, Ouros or Oxylos and Hamadryas, according to different accounts.
The Meliai (Meliae)[]
Are the nymphs of the ash-trees. They were born when Gaia (Gaea, the Earth) was impregnated by the blood of the castrated Ouranos (Uranus, the Sky). They were wed by the men of the Silver Age--in the time before the first woman was created--and from them mankind was descended.
The Hamadryades-[]
Are the nymphs of oak and poplar trees. They were usually connected with river-side trees and sacred groves.
The Maliades, Meliades or Epimelides[]
are nymphs of apple and other fruit trees and the protectors of sheep. The Greek word melas--from which their name derives--means both apple and sheep.
The Daphnaie[]
Are nymphs of the laurel trees, one of a class of rarer tree-specific Dryad.
Other types[]
Others included the Nymphai Aigeiroi (of black poplars), the Ampeloi (of grape vines), Balanis (of the ilex), Karyai (of the hazel-nut), Kraneiai (of cherry-trees), Moreai (of the mulberry), Pteleai (of elm trees), and Sykei (of fig trees).
Notable Individual Dryads[]
- Atlanteia and Phoebe- two of the many wives or concubines of Danaus
- Chrysopeleia
- Dryope
- Erato
- Eurydice- the beloved wife of the hero, musician and prophet, Orpheus.
- Tithorea
Appearance and Personalities[]
Dryads are feminine spirits, that appear as beautiful women with eternal youth. Some Dryads are literally connected to their trees, and not able to move freely, whilst others are not and can move freely. The life of each Dryad is tied to her personal tree which has existed from her birth and determines their lifespan and death, also perishing when their Nymph does.
Dryads were recorded as usually very shy creatures, only being open with Artemis, the greatest friend of Nymphs. Dryads tend to be quite conscious of their appearance and during the warmer seasons- stay in the shade to avoid suntanning- so they can maintain their pale complexions.
In ancient Greece, it was forbidden for people to cut down trees, without previous permission from the land-owners, as it was believed any of these trees could belong to a Dryad-which if cut down would cause her death.