Hemera, is the Primordial goddess of day and light, according to Greek mythology.
Genealogy and Family[]
Hemera was born one of the many daughters of Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night and Erebus, the primordial god of darkness. Her siblings include Aether, Thanatos, Hypnos, The Keres, Geras, Philotes, Eris and Nemesis.
Hemera partnered with her brother, Aether, the Primordial god of the sky and the air the gods breathe. According to the Hyginus Preface, she and Aether are the parents of Gaia, Uranus and Thalassa, in the Cicero De Natura Deorum 3.17, she was listed the mother of Uranus only.
Hemera is the primordial goddess of the day time, with each morning, Hemera dispersed her mother's mists, bathing the earth again in the light of the ether. In the ancient cosmogonies night and day were actual substances distinct and independent of the sun. The sun ruled the day but was not its source.
Hemera has a very happy-go-lucky personality. She has a kind heart and is adored by all with her positive outlook of everything. But she can be a bit naive sometimes, she can get tricked easily.
In artwork she was depicted as a beautiful, youthful and radiant goddess.
Skills and Abilities[]
Hemera was closely identified with Hera, the queen of heavens, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn.
Hesiod seems to regard her as more of a divine substance rather than anthropomorphic goddess. She was largely irrelevant in mythology, with her role being entirely subsumed by the goddess Eos.
There's little evidence of Hemera having received a cult in ancient times, however archaeological evidence has proven the existence of a small shrine to Hemera and Helios, the god of the sun, on the island of Kos.
Hemera's official Greek name is Ἡμερα.
Hemera's name is the Greek word for "day".