Greek-Goddesses Wiki

The Hyades are a sisterhood group of Nymphs, associated with rain, who are currently part of the Hyades constellation, having each been turned into a star


Depiction of two Hyades with a Young Dionysus

by Zeus.

Genealogy and Family[]

The Hyades range from three to fifteen members. Their parents are Atlas, the Titan of Strength and the Oceanid, Pleione, also known as Aethra .Though one unusual account, names their parents as Hyas and Boeotia. The Hyades are sisters of The Pleiad and The Hesperid Nymphs, and in most tellings, Hyas, a god of seasonal rains.


The Hyades alongside The Pleaides, took care of and raised a young Dionysus, who was disguised as a girl, to keep him safe and hidden away from his vengeful stepmother, Hera, who was intent on murdering him; after failed attempts by other people to take care of Dionysus (due to them being cursed by Hera.)

After the death of their brother, Hyas, The Hyades mourned their brother's death with much grief and were eventually turned into stars by Zeus.

Appearances and Personalities[]

Not much is known about their appearances or personality, but they were responsible and very caring to look after and raise Dionysus, even risking their own lives to protect him.

They would appear as beautiful, youthful maidens.


The Hyades grieving from their brother's death and subsequent transformation into stars is very similar to the story of The Heliades, Sun Nymphs who mourned four months for their brother Phaethon after he died from crashing his father Helios' chariot (due to him being unable to control the horses) before being turned into Poplar Trees by the Gods, who sympathised with the Nymphs' grief.

The Hyades constellation is a huge star cluster consisting of hundreds of stars and is one of the best studied star clusters by Scientists.
