Greek-Goddesses Wiki

BlouseGirl BlouseGirl 6 February 2014

Any other ideas?

Hey guys, do you have any other ideas for this Wiki?

(I'd like to customize it more, but I don't know how. If anyone knows how, please tell me.)

Also, we have to find the Media WIki Template for more customization, like coding, user name fonts and colors, etc. 

If you find it please tell me! I really need it! 

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BlouseGirl BlouseGirl 22 December 2013

Dedication to Bimbola

Hi, Bimbola! 

Welcome to my Wikia. Thank you very much for changing this background and editing some pages. Let's split up the jobs:

I can do a few jobs, I can find the pictures for articles (but not the Percy Jackson/ modern pictures), and I will research about the goddesses more deeply. Please feel free to make a Greek Gods Wiki! :) 

Maybe you could spice up the pages and add more detail, (sometimes I am not very detailed and might miss out a few steps.) Once again, thank you a lot, Bim. 


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